Still working on the prelude to the preface to the "Z-machine running
natively on Parrot" project, namely translating Z-code into a Perl
executable. (My brother, who's a CS professor so he should know, says
I'm actually *compiling* it. Compiling bytecode to an interpreted
language? Weird!) I'm making some progress, but now I have to deal with
the harder opcodes I'd ignored, like I/O and save/restore. (Interesting
to hear about Parrot curses, wrt Z-code I/O, btw.)

I figured I could just use the Perl subroutine mechanism to emulate
Z-machine calls. So I just translate Z-code's "call routine arg0
arg1..." to "&routine(arg0, arg1, ...)" and "ret value" becomes "return

I realized that I get in trouble when we get to the save/restore
commands. Those are supposed to save and restore the call stack, which
includes the subroutine addresses & all the local variables in the
various routines. Am I right in thinking I don't actually have access
to that in Perl? (That is, I can't change the call stack at runtime,
such that when I "return" it'll return to a different subroutine than
the one that actually called the current routine.)

In Perl, I can fake it by making my entire program have no subroutines
(yuck!) and using gotos and manually storing the call stack. Then I
thought, "but what do I do about Parrot?", which is supposed to be the
whole point of this project. Then I thought that maybe I *do* have
access to Parrot's stack!

So the question is, will I be able to write a Parrot opcode that resets
the Parrot call stack? And I guess to reset the register stacks too?
Otherwise, I won't be able to save/restore games.


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