Now all run cores[2] are able to execute dynoplibs/test.pasm [1].
This is currently done for all cores except the function (slow) core by running the wrapper__ opcode, which calls the real function in the parrot function core.

Cores with an address table for function dispatch (CGoto, CGP) get a new address table, where all new entries are pointing to the wrapper__ opcode. CGP does use this address table only once when the opcode is predereferenced.
The switch core calls the wrapper from the default case statement. JIT emits a call to the wrapper function.

Next will be to try to find and load oplibs of the flavor of the currently running core. If a program is run with the -C (CGP) core, the dynop_register function will try to find the "..._cgp_ops_load" symbol in the current dynamic oplib or in a separate file.

If this is successful, the opcode dispatch can use these opcodes directly. The switch core will need some dispatch helpers (probably via next function pointers containing loaded switch_cores. JIT is different. As JIT code is unrolled, it IMHO can only call the function core (or CGP again) for loaded opcodes.

When run from a source file, the C<loadlib> opcode is executed immediately, so that the assembler can generate the bytecode with these new opcodes. At runtime the loadlib finds the library already loaded and does nothing (it could even be replaced by C<noop>s if its known, that the program is to be run directly).

When a PBC is generated, and the code is run from that, now the C<loadlib> is honored, when it is executed. So when there are multiple loadlibs and these are not executed in the correct sequence, you'll get nice crashes. This will be replaced (as Dan did lay out) by putting the library PMCs into the metadata, so that library loading happens before program startup and in the desired sequence.

Comments welcome,

$ cat dynoplibs/test.pasm
    loadlib P1, "myops_ops"
    fortytwo I0
    print I0
    what_do_you_get_if_you_multiply_six_by_nine S0
$ make shared && export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:blib/lib
$ make -C dynoplibs clean all && make -C dynclasses && make
$ parrot -j dynoplibs/test.pasm
in test
loaded myops_ops
loaded foo
loaded libnci
found 3 libs
Ops   runtime/parrot/dynext/
PMC   runtime/parrot/dynext/
the answer is: 42 aka fortytwo

[2] *if* platform supports dynamic loading of course.
I didn't look at EXEC, but as it does use JIT for building its code, it could work too.

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