I noticed in Test::Tutorial:
"Taint mode is a funny thing. It's the globalest of all global features.
Once you turn it on it effects all code in your program and all modules
used (and all the modules they use). If a single piece of code isn't
taint clean, the whole thing explodes. With that in mind, it's very
important to ensure your module works under taint mode."

I don't have much practical experience with taint mode testing,
however, and was wondering how important taint mode testing is
to project Phalanx.

What are general opinions re taint tests for CPAN modules?
(i.e. a test with #!perl -Tw as the first line of the test).

Further to Schwern's Test::Tutorial preach to the kwire above,
taint mode tests seem worthwhile to me because:

1) They may catch silly errors in module code. For example:
     $x = `date`;
   is not taint-safe, while:
     $x = scalar localtime;
   is. Clearly, the latter is preferable.

2) They further exercise Perl itself (part of the Phalanx charter).

On the down-side: while taint tests seem to work fine for me with
Perl 5.6.0 and above, I experienced problems with Perl 5.005 which
failed with something like "cannot locate Fred/Fred.pm in @INC"
when running taint tests. I have hardly investigated this: does
anyone out there regularly run taint mode tests with Perl 5.005?


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