On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:

> At 12:53 -0400 10/21/03, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> >  > Yeah, if you're just needing to tag the stream with a label to indicate
> >>  the type plus a version number, then xml's on the one hand overkill and
> >  > on the other hand not necessarily a big help to xml proponents.
> >So, in a nutshell, throwing an XML format type tag at the beginning buys
> >us nothing regardless of whether it's an XML stream or not?
> Yep.  But mainly I think because you'll need to encode binary data to
> make it valid XML.  That's on overhead you don't to suffer for those
> serialization that don't need it.

I had it in mind that the XML parsers were all event driven so they'd read
the header and stop until prodded, and wouldn't be prodded on if it wasn't
a real parrot XML serialization stream, so binary data wouldn't matter.

> If you ask me, you could do easy with a simple header line like:
>    parrot xml 1.0
>    \0
> basically magic word ('parrot')
>   followed by a space
>   followed by the type
>   followed by a space
>   followed by version
>   followed by a CRLF (not sure about this one, but could be nice)
>   followed by a null byte

That works for me, including the crlf. Congrats, you just defined the
parrot serialization header tag! :-)

> I'm not clear if you would know beforehand how many bytes of data you
> would receive.  If that is possible to know at all time, then I would
> suggest having the length as an extra part of the header.

Since we're going to potentially be serializing to an on-the-fly
unseekable device (i.e. dumping to a socket) so no length.

> >In that case, nuts to that. It's already terribly obvious I'm going to
> >mess it up if I try, so we'll just skip it and move on to the next
> >headache. :)
> Which means I'll be going back to lurking mode again...  ;-)

Waiting to pounce, huh? :)


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