At 15:18 -0400 10/21/03, Dan Sugalski wrote:
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Clark C. Evans wrote:
 > If you are going to go this far (including content-length) may I
 > just suggest using a MIME envelope?  This has several advantages:
This is a very good idea, but not this time, as it's too easy to get stuck
in the endless churn of very good ideas and alternatives.

I would think the MIME-envelope would have to be part of the data, rather than in the header. Or am I missing anything? It's encode/decoder determined, is it not?

The simple header format, without the null byte (taking it out is a good
idea, since we may have the possibility of an all-text file in that case),

I have no particular feeling about the null byte. It would just be a convenience when debugging as it would allow you to just print the string, as it would be null-delimited. The CRLF (or just the CR or just the LF) could serve as an end of header marker just as well.


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