On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 09:12:27AM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
| We're talking about the first thing in a file (or stream, or whatever). I
| was under the impression that XML files should be entirely composed of
| valid XML, hence the need for the stream type marker being valid XML. YAML
| doesn't care as much, so far as I understand, and for our own internal
| binary format we cna do whatever we want.

As for 'autodetecting' XML vs YAML, an earlier version of the YAML
spec restricted plain-style mapping keys so that they could not 
start with the '<' character.  In this way, a processor could 
auto-detect if the incoming stream was XML or YAML, and use the
appropriate parser.   With the restricted schema described below, 
a small-footprint XML parser could even be shipped with the 
core libyaml allowing us (the YAML team) to handle this XML 
compatibility requirement; especially with regard to SOAP, the
defacto XML object 'serialization' schema.

I wrote up a brief 'sketch' as to one option for interoperability
between XML and YAML, although there are many such options, and soon 
the yaml-core list will be forced to discuss icky things like this.
My thoughts (which are _not_ concensus in the YAML community) are
found at   http://www.yaml.org/xml.html ; this page gives the 
usually "invoice" example in XML, and an imperfect XSLT stylesheet 
for converting XML in this schema to YAML.   Clearly more work is
needed here, I would very much like to hear your requirements. 

Kind Regards,


P.S. I try to follow this list, but I often miss items, so if you put
'YAML' in the title and cc me on it, it will surely get my attention.

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