Okay, since nobody took advantage of the, oh, at lesat 2 or 3 minutes
since the metadata spec post, here's the equivalent for assembly. I'll
stub in and commit the stubbed object.ops ops in a bit.

We've already got ops to create a class standalone, and to subclass an
existing class. We're also going to add the following ops:

  addparent Px, Py
  removeparent Px, Py

To add and remove class Y as a parent of class X

  addattrib Ix, Py, Sz
  removeattrib Px, [IS]y

To add attribute Z to class Y. X gets the attribute offset. removeattrib
removes attribute #y or named Y (depending on whether it's a string or
int) from the class

To add or remove an implemented interface:

  adddoes Px, Sy
  removedoes Px, Sy

Instantiate, as implemented, is dead. I'm going to nuke it, then use it
for instantiating classes via metadata chunks. That's next message.


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