On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 11:23:52PM +1000, Andrew Savige wrote:
> Is it worth trying to agree on a de facto standard name for
> such a beast: 99-pod.t/99_pod.t/99.pod.t/99pod.t?

Probably not worth the inevitable argument.

> use Test::More;
> use File::Spec;
> use File::Find;
> use strict;
> eval {
>     require Test::Pod;
> };
> my $ok = !$@ && ($Test::Pod::VERSION >= '0.95');
> if (!$ok) {
>     plan skip_all => "Test::Pod v0.95 required for testing POD";
> } else {
>     Test::Pod->import;
>     my @files;
>     my $blib = File::Spec->catfile(qw(blib lib));
>     find( sub {push @files, $File::Find::name if /\.p(l|m|od)$/}, $blib);
>     plan tests => scalar @files;
>     foreach my $file (@files) {
>       pod_file_ok($file);
>     }
> }

Since skip_all will exit immediately you can fold that big "everything
inside the else block" away.

eval 'use Test::Pod';
my $have_testpod = !$@ and $Test::Pod::VERSION >= 0.95;
plan skip_all => "Test::Pod v0.95 required for testing POD" 
    unless $have_testpod;

my @files;
my $blib = File::Spec->catfile(qw(blib lib));

Michael G Schwern        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
You're like a moment of mindblowing bliss.

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