> > loadlib P1, "user32.dll"
> There are 2 errors in that, one is mine :)
> - I didn't use the configure define of PARROT_DLL_EXTENSION
> - Your's is: don't append ".dll" - parrot does it
Ah, that's changed, 'cus it used to work with me doing that.  :-)  So now it
loads the library, but fails here:-

dlfunc P0, P1, "MessageBoxA", "llttl"


Parrot VM: PANIC: Unknown signature type!
C file c:\documents and settings\jonathan\desktop\pow\parrot\src\nci.c, line
Parrot file (unknown file), line 0

Again, this had all used to work fine.

> BTW - are the nci tests succeeding on Win32:
> $ make libnci.dll
That fails with:-

> nmake libnci.dll

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 6.00.8168.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.

NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'parrot'

The lines in my makefile are:-

libnci$(SO): $(SRC)\nci_test.c parrot$(EXE)

> $ perl t/harness t/pmc/nci.t
All tests skipped, 'cus of the above problem.


BTW, I sent in a couple of patches (that got rid of a lot of the Win32
warnings).  Do you know what came of them?  The warnings they fixed seem to
be gone in the latest CVS checkout, but nobody mentioned if they were
applied, or rejected and proper fixes done.  Just curious to know.  I don't
mind my patches being rejected, but if I submit a bad patch it's helpful if
I can know why it's wrong etc. so I can learn from it.  :-)



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