On Dec 29, 2003, at 2:12 PM, Harry Jackson wrote:


[EMAIL PROTECTED] parrot]$ make test
echo imcc/imcc.y -d -o imcc/imcparser.c
imcc/imcc.y -d -o imcc/imcparser.c
perl -e 'open(A,qq{>>$_}) or die foreach @ARGV' imcc/imcc.y.flag imcc/imcparser.c imcc/imcparser.h
perl t/harness --gc-debug --running-make-test -b t/op/*.t t/pmc/*.t t/native_pbc/*.t

This is as far as it gets. I am assuming since no one else has noticed this that it is a problem with my set up but I am at a bit of a loss as to what has happened to cause it.

It gets even stranger. If I do a make clean and make test again it does not necessarily stop in the same place each time ie.

Here are 3 things to try:

1) When it hangs there, check with 'top' to see if it is using CPU (ie, is it blocking, or in an infinite loop).

2) Try running one of the tests which blocks, individually. If you can get it to happen this way, then run it in gdb and see what it's doing. (Or, attach to an already blocked one from 'make test'--this is assuming it's parrot that's actually blocking, and not t/harness.)

3) Try building from a clean checkout, and see if that shows the problem. If not, it's probably something you've changed and don't realize.


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