Nigel Sandever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[ Line length adjusted for readability ]


> At any given point in the running of the interpreter, the VM register
> set, program counter and stack must represent the entire state for
> that thread.

That's exactly, what a ParrotInterpreter is: "the entire state for a

> I am completely against the idea of VM threads having a 1:1
> relationship with interpreters.

While these can be separated its not efficient. Please note that Parrot
is a register-based VM. Switching state is *not* switching a
stack-pointer and a PC thingy like in stack-based VMs.

> ... The runtime costs of duplicating all
> shared data between interpreters, tying all shared variables, added to
> the cost of locking, throw away almost all of the benefit of using
> threads.

No, shared resources are not duplicated, nor tied. The locking of course
remains, but that's it.

> The distinction is that a critical section does not disable time
> slicing/ preemption.  It prevents any thread attempting to enter an
> owned critical section from receiving a timeslice until the current
> owner relinquishes it.

These are platform specific details. We will use whatever the
platform/OS provides. In the source code its a LOCK() UNLOCK() pair.
The LOCK() can be any atomic operation and doesn't need to call the
kernel, if the lock is aquired.

[ Lot of Wintel stuff snipped ]

> Nigel Sandever.


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