The Perl 6 Summarizer wrote:

Problems with "make test" Harry Jackson couldn't get his build of parrot to finish running "make test". After a certain amount of thrashing about by the team, Dan narrowed it down to issues with the mutant '2.96' version of GCC that some versions of Red Hat used for a while. This is currently the list's best guess as to the root of the problem, but it's not absolutely certain. If it does turn out to be the compiler, the config suite will have to be rejigged to detect and warn.

I got fed up beating around the bush so I took some drastic action. I installed apt-get for redhat and did a massive upgrade and that sorted out the parrot problems but introduced several others that I wont go into (not parrot related). Now knowing I have not got dodgy hardware I decided to bite the bullet and install Debain, I have been missing apt-get for some time now. I now have debain running and am just about to test parrot and try and get postgres and a few other things back to normal.

Don't use IMCC macros Bernhard Schmalhofer found what looked like a bug in IMCC's macro support. This prompted Melvin Smith to expedite the removal of IMCC macro support as threatened some weeks ago. However, it turned out that that wasn't actually the seat of the bug. But if you like IMCC macros now is the time to make a *very* good case to Melvin, I doubt you'll convince him though; macros belong in a preprocessor.

I was unaware of this. I must have missed a thread somewhere. I have been using macros quite a bit in the postgres lib but I am pretty sure if my parrot will start to squak properly I can do without them, if it dosn't I'll ring its neck.

I was using macros for all the global function calls. I originally tried to get them all into an array/hash but was having some fun doing this (I am pretty sure this is nothing to do with imcc, rather my dodgy parrot ;-)

  The Piemark is ready
    Dan forwarded the announcement that the Pie-thon Parrot Benchmark (which
    I've unilaterally decided to call the Piemark) code is ready. Let's make
    sure it's Guido not Dan who gets Pie eyed in Portland this year.

I really need to read more of the archives to find out what the crack is here.

1 Dan will win his bet with Guido, and that the Python.Net people will be so embarrassed by the piemark that they won't publish numbers.

I am not 100% sure what this involves yet but its a bet and in a manner of speaking "I'm gunning for the parrot".


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