Michal Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, Dan Sugalski wrote:
>> interrupts. Even if they aren't doing any IO at all they're still
>> potentially watching for keyboard (or other OS-initiated)
>> breaks/interrupts.

> I see your point. In python if you press ^C, it should
> raise a KeyboardInterrupt exception.

> But rather than always monitoring for that, I'd want
> to register a listener

Ehem: that's what we are talking about. There is a "listener" already
running, that's the event thread. It currently doesn't much, but it
"listens" eg for a timer event, that is, it waits on a condition. This
doesn't take any CPU time during waiting except for a bit overhead, when
the kernel awakens that thread and it executes (for a very short time).

So this event thread sees: "Oh the kernel just noticed me, that the
cookie for interpreter #5 is ready, so I'll tell that interpreter".
That's what the event thread is doing.

Now interpreter #5 - currently busy running in a tight loop - doesn't
see that his cookie is ready. *If* this interpreter would check
every pace, if there is a cookie, it would be a big slowdown.

To minimze the overhead, the event thread throws a big piece of
wood in front of the fast running interpreter #5, which finally, after a
bit stumbling, realizes: "Oh, my cookie has arrived".

> This is probably a dumb question but: what if signals
> threw exceptions instead?

We will (AFAIK) convert signals to events, which dispatch further.

> I mean, they're pretty rare aren't they?

Async is the problem.

> Michal J Wallace


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