My vote goes for the simplest that will still parse;

=head1 foo


After all, arent't we all using editors that can highlight the
scructure of our code to our satisfaction ?  Surely even VIM et al can
stick in dividers or something to make them stand out if the coder
desires?  I've already got  _    _      
                           | |__(_)__ _ 
                           | '_ \ / _` |
                           |_.__/_\__, | fonts set for my POD headings,
                                  |___/  which is a lot nicer to work
                                         with (IMHoHO).
ASCII art delimiters in code are SO 20th century ;-)
    ___  __     _
        /  \   | |
   ( ( ( 2¢ )  | |
    ___ \__/   |_|

On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 22:42, Michael Scott wrote;

  > PDD 7 "Conventions and Guidelines for Parrot Source Code" has a section 
  > on "Code Comments" that has been followed for C code. I'm about to 
  > change this.
  > The existing documentation headers will be replaced with pod headers 
  > contained within C multi-line comment delimiters. I'm going to stick to 
  > exactly the same style that I used in the Perl scripts. Functions will 
  > be proceeded with similarly formatted descriptions. No information will 
  > be lost.
  > Perhaps the most controversial feature of all this is that I'm using 
  > rows of 80 '#'s as visual delimiters to distinguish documentation 
  > sections from code. This may seem like overkill to some. I'm basing it 
  > on what looks right to me in BBEdit and Xcode. If it turns out that it 
  > doesn't work for everyone, I'll change it.
  > If anyone feels strongly about this then speak.
  > Mike


Real software engineers don't debug programs, they verify correctness.
This process doesn't necessarily involve executing anything on a
computer, except perhaps a Correctness Verification Aid package.

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