Uri Guttman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  LT> Nested structs are ugly. The alignment of the first item seems to depend
>  LT> on the biggest item in the struct.

> that is a known rule for alignment of nested structs. since larger items
> usually have strict alignment requirements

Ok. Then I'll try to put that in unmanagedstruct.pmc. Seems not be too

> it sounds like between the PIR solution and the cpan module that i don't
> need to do my own hack. or should i still work on it? it would be an
> external perl5/c solution that would be able to generate some form of
> table of item offsets.

I'll do the alignment stuff. An util that actually generates the
initializer - as outlined in the previous posting - would be great

Pointers to nested structs and function pointers as struct items are
already in CVS (at least, when returned from the external C lib) - I'll
update the docs/pmc/struct.pod tommorrow, including nested structures.

> uri


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