On Fri, 6 Feb 2004 12:22:24 -0800, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> It wouldn't be Test::Harness, it would be a seperate Test::Depends or
> something.

        I could live with that, but why do you think it needs to
        be separate?

        The T::H documentation makes it quite clear that there are
        plans to check for additional keywords (beyond /^(not )?ok/
        and "Bail out!") in the future. (See the "Anything else"

        By the way, aside from a desire to avoid lots of class
        layers, I stored the dependency data in the H::T::Straps
        object. It is that class that I'd need to augment, and since
        it is in Alpha mode I figured now was the time.

> >     P.S. Btw, I also will be requesting that the stderr output
> >          from tests be captured as well.
> Love to, but can't do it and still have T::H be cross-platform compatible. :(
> What you can do is have your tests print your diagnostics as lines beginning
> with a # to STDOUT.  I believe T::H::Straps currently picks these up as
> type "other" but it may change to "comment" later.

        I could replace Test::More::diag() with a version that uses
        STDOUT.  Does that mean the goal of capturing STDERR listed
        in T::H's TODO list has been abandoned?


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