Larry Wall wrote:
> What I'm currently thinking about is a "does" predicate that tells you
> if an object/class does a particular role completely.  If you pull
> part of a role into a class, it returns false, because it doesn't do
> the complete role.  However, if you use "like" instead, it returns a
> number between 0 and 1 telling you what fraction of the role's methods
> it uses.  So you can ask if your object is more like a Dog or a Tree.
> Unless someone comes up with a better idea, of course.  Obviously
> .does() is redundant with .like() == 1.  But it seems like a useful 
> redundancy.

I'd rather they not be redundant.  Instead, C<does> would check to see if
the role in question is ever directly referenced anywhere in the class
definition (or in any of its parent class' definitions), whereas C<like>
would check to see how many of the methods and/or attributes supplied
and/or demanded by the role are available to the class.  Thus, a class
that includes a C<bark> method but no C<Dog> role will return a not purely
false value for the C<like> predicate, but would return false for the
C<does> predicate.  This would tell you that the class can bark, but not
neccessarily like a Dog.  Whereas if it answers true to C<does>, you know
that when it barks, it will likely do so in the manner that a Dog does.  

Furthermore, I have my doubts about how useful a zero-to-one number would
be as a return value for C<like>.  Personally, I'd rather get a junction
of C<can> and C<has> predicate calls, which I could then query to find out
exactly how the class is C<like> the role in question, and how it differs.
 That is, 

   C<$x like $y> := 
   C<any($x »can« @methods($y)) or any($x »has« @attributes($y))>


   C<all($x »can« @methods($y)) and all($x »has« @attributes($y))>

or maybe just

   C<$x »can« @methods($y), $x »has« @attributes($y)>

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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