Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:

The attached patch brings things if not to perfection at least quite close.

Great. Thanks for your time having a look at that. Applied. Works - i386 can successfully process all these PBCs.

I have tested
the patch and the included pbc files in:

- little-endian 64-bit tru64
- little-endian 32-bit linux
- big-endian 32-bit solaris
- big-endian 64-bit irix

Thanks for these.

The packfile.c.pat and pf_items.c.pat address the byteswapping, the dod.c patch was
needed in irix only (dbx showed the pool->mem_pool being zero, I don't know whether
there's something deeper that my patch hides, but I was not about to start debugging DOD--

There must be some other problem.

the bytecode executed fine but then parrot crashed in cleanup/teardown phase).

If mem_pool was NULL there is something strange goin on.

I suggest that the existing
t/native_pbc/*.pbc are deleted and the *.pbc from the attachment are taken instead,
they have slightly more informative naming scheme.

While that's true it doesn't work with the test system which assumes consecutive test file numbers.


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