Damian Conway wrote:

Richard Nuttall suggested:

An alternative is to have "fill rightmost gaps" and "fill leftmost gaps" on
alternate lines. This produces more balanced looking columns, so they don't all look heavier on the left.

That's a *very* interesting idea. What do people think?

The Version 1 samples had various "whitespace worms" appear over on the right, which get broken up to some extent with v2. However, v2 has some minor even/odd patterns that get some mild notice.

But overall, I like #2 better.

Since I don't think whitespace management is something that needs to be deterministic, why not choose the gaps randomly? If we do need deterministic results, then a pseudo-random pattern where you expand the C<(($LineNumber * $GapToExpandCounter * $SomePrimeNumber) % $GapsOnLine)>th gap?

There's also a gremlin in the back of my head telling me the typesetting industry probably solved this riddle years ago. But I have no time to research it this week.

-- Rod

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