Sebastian Riedel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                          objective-ook? - SCNR

> Attached is a quick'n dirty parrotbench, instead of a complicated
> test harness it uses bash to make time measurements, so that
> new languages are very simple to add.

bash isn't really available on all systems, so it should better use one
of the time functions.

> Currently it's just a proof of concept but if you like it i will make
> a better version with pretty printing, extended reports and stuff.

Good. Please have a look at lib/Parrot/ and for executable names. Maybe a config file could simplify the
task (user can put in executable names once).

> Here's an example run:

$ perl tools/dev/ -regex '(oo|str|mops).*' \
    -parrot='./parrot -j' -perl=`which perl` -python=`which python` \
    -ruby=`which ruby`
        parrot  perl    python  ruby
mops    0.260   96.140  9.830   9.860
oo1     1.700   0.820   0.510   -
oo2     8.410   4.60    2.400   -
stress  0.980   0.640   -       -
stress1 13.970  12.400  -       -
stress2 1.670   2.450   -       -
stress3 10.540  -       -       -

(Python and Ruby mops are running 1/10th of loops - files linked into

Nice. Yes please.

Any one out there, who speaks ruby and can translate tests, for which
we have a '.pl' file?.


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