Dan Sugalski wrote:

At 10:10 PM +0100 3/8/04, Sebastian Riedel wrote:

Abhijit A. Mahabal wrote:

A very basic newbeish question..

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/parrot$ tools/dev/parrotbench.pl -regex oo -conf
      parrot  perl    python  ruby
oo1     100%    39%     23%     -
oo2     100%    40%     22%     -

Are bigger numbers more desirable (as they would be if they mean number of
times code run per second) or lower numbers are more desirable (as they
would be if they mean time taken per run)? So what do these numbers mean?

All numbers are relative to the first one, lower is better.

Can we add a caption to the output? Otherwise I'll end up forgetting.

Will be added in the next version.

The -t switch explains it:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/parrot$ tools/dev/parrotbench.pl -b oo -t
        parrot(pasm)    parrot(imc)     python(py)      perl(pl)
oo1     3.030s  -       0.690s  1.200s
oo2     15.020s -       3.310s  6.020s

Yes, parrot looks not so good at the moment, maybe Dan will get his cream pie at OSCON. :)

Well... we'll see about that. :) There are a few tricks yet to be played here, and this is definitely a first-cut of the object implementation. There's an awful lot of unnecessary indirection at the moment, which needs fixing up.

We also need to implement a method cache, which'll probably increase parrot's speed just a touch, if every single other late-binding OO language is anything to judge by. :)

Seems Larry knows well how to motivate you. :)


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