Juerd writes:
> Perlists,
> In Perl 5, lc, lcfirst, quotemeta, uc and ucfirst don't mutate.
> chomp and chop do mutate.
> I imagine these will all be methods in Perl 6:
>     $foo.lc
>     $foo.quotemeta
>     $foo.chomp
> I'd like a mutating version of lc, and a non-mutating version of chomp.
> With some nice syntax, if possible.
> If there isn't already such a thing in the making, I hereby suggest to
> re-introduce C<.=>, to mean more or less the same as in Perl 5, but with
> Perl 6's version of the C<.> operator.

I believe this has been discussed before, and that people generally
liked it.  Maybe Larry even did (I seem to recall him saying something
positive about it -- but don't think he did just because I said so :-).
It seems likely that this will go in, though.

I'm in the mood for an exercise, so, here's how you implement it.

Let's say we have the Perl grammar:

    grammar Perl 
        # ...
        has %.assignment_ops is protected;
        rule assignment_expression {
            $op    := (%.assignment_ops.keys())
            $value := <%.assignment_ops{$op}{rule}>
                $0 := %.assignment_ops{$op}{transform}($0)
                    if %.assignment_ops{$op}{transform}

        rule method_call {
            <term> <'.'> <method_name>

Or something.  I'm just pulling that out of my ear.

Then we'll derive our own grammar with the C<.=> operator in, and plunk
it into Perl's parser.

    grammar DotEqualsPerl is Perl
        submethod BUILD() {
            .assignment_ops{'.='} = {
                rule => /<method_name>/,
                transform => {
                        lhs => .{assignment_lhs}, 
                        rhs => Perl::method_call.new(
                            term => .{assignment_lhs},
                            method => .{value},

Finally, hooking it into Perl.

    use grammar DotEqualsPerl;

Again, this is quite presumptuous about the workings of the Perl::*
classes.  The Perl grammar will have to be extremely well documented.

The reason we couldn't just decalre it with C<infix:.=> is because its
right hand side is not a usual expression.  That is:

    $foo + bar;

Won't parse unless C<bar> is a declared sub, whereas:


Will always parse.


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