On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 11:19:52AM -0800, Brent Dax Royal-Gordon wrote:
: Luke Palmer wrote:
: >The reason we couldn't just decalre it with C<infix:.=> is because its
: >right hand side is not a usual expression.
: Isn't that what macros are for?
:     macro infix:.= ($lhs, $rhs) is parsed(/<method_name>/) {

Methods are really postfix operators, so that would probably be
something more like:

    macro postfix:.= ($lhs, $parsetree)
        is parsed(/<ws>? <?method_name> <?method_args>/) {

That's presuming we allow whitespace after the . and .= ops.

(Also, these days you have to say <?foo> to collect the results into $0.)


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