On Sun, Dec 21, 2003 at 11:44:44PM +0000, Frederick Alexander Thomssen wrote:
> # New Ticket Created by  Frederick Alexander Thomssen 
> # Please include the string:  [perl #24728]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
> # <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=24728 >
> hi,
> I ran into troubles when installing perl 5.8.1/5.8.2/5.9.0 on a SuSE machine I 
> think it is a SuSE 8.1):
> ./Configure aborted with the error message
> "Configure: line 8199: set: -s: invalid option" after "Figuring out host 
> name...".
> The problem is in the file hints/linux.sh in lines 217-229. There runs a check 
> that uses csh/tcsh. This SuSE-tcsh seems to have a problem with hostname - 
> when you run hostname it returns "-s" - even after returning to bash (which 
> is my standard shell).
> So somewhere hostname will still return "-s" and brings me this error message. 
> I now commented these lines from hints/linux.sh out and it works... I suggest 
> to check if hostname still runs properly after these lines or using the 
> variable $HOSTNAME...

Please accept my apologies that no-one here has responded in the past 3
months - it seems to be the way that open source mailing lists work.

You've actually mailed the wrong bug reporting address (you mailed the
perl6/parrot bug reporting address, not the perl5 address), so your bug
has been sent to the parrot list, where no-one has answered (because it's
"off topic"). This isn't great, considering that you made a genuine mistake.

Although it has been spotted by a bug admin and your ticket now put in the
correct bug queue (ie it's now perl5), this doesn't cause your message to be
resent to the correct mailing list, so no-one there is aware of your bug

I've Cc'd this message to the perl5 list, and tried to set followups to be
there only. I'm not sure of the best way to avoid the problems you've had
with being inadvertently ignored, but it is something we (the perl comminity)
aren't getting right yet, and it is something we should fix.

As to the original bug you report - I no longer have access to any SuSE
machines, but I did build perl from source on a SuSE 8.1 box within the
past 3 months and didn't encounter the problems you encountered. Strange.
Hopefully someone else has access to SuSE and can replicate your problems

Nicholas Clark

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