
Sorry for delay, I had less time than I expected.

On Sunday 04 April 2004 19:45, chromatic wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-04-04 at 10:04, Jens Rieks wrote:
> > > I think I prefer letting SDL::App be the main entry point for SDL
> > > applications, because *something* has to initialize SDL.
> >
> > So that anyone who wants to use SDL has to subclass from SDL::App?
> No, they just have to use SDL::App or write their own code to call the
> NCI subs themselves.
Sounds okay.

> > Isn't it possible to do it when loading the SDL bytecode?
> Yes, but it's not as easy.
Why not? Maybe create a pseudo class SDL::NCI when it does not exists,
and attach the NCI PMCs to it as properties?

Then it is possible to use

        get_class nci, "SDL::NCI"
        getprop nci, "SetVideoMode", nci
        nci( ... )

> I now think we should put all of the struct layouts in SDL.imc, so
> people who want to write their own interface can do so against that, not
> SDL::App.
The structs can also go into a special class, or maybe everything into a 
single "SDL::_intern" class.

> > I'm not sure if it is a bug, but @LOAD sections are called everytime
> > load_bytecode is called. If you load the SDL bytecode twice, all classes
> > are registered a second time, which will raise an exception. I'm not sure
> > if it is a bug or a future, though.
> > There are some other next to "@LOAD" and "@MAIN", but I can not find the
> > list at the moment.
> I think that may be a bug, but we could protect against it.
Yes. I am using 'find_method I0, "myclass"; if I0 > 1 goto END' in my new 

> > Indeed. But the main surface has to be usable with the same interface
> > like every other surface.
> That's true.  You're right; let's just return an SDL::Surface from
> SDL::App::init() or BUILD() or whatever it is and tell people that this
> is the main surface.

> > > We should raise an exception if it does not work, but I have no idea
> > > how to do that.
> >
> > I know how to raise an exception, what I don't know is how to check if a
> > NCI function returned NULL.
> I will work on this.
I'll prepare an example how to use exceptions.

> > > One other design problem I am considering right now is how to hide the
> > > difference between a double-buffered and a single-buffered surface.
> > > With a single-buffered surface you have to call UpdateRect() on the
> > > main surface explicitly.  With a double-buffered surface, you only call
> > > flip().
> >
> > From a game-developer point of view, this should not be hidden. Both are
> > different techniques requiring different redraw strategies.
> Different method names for different techniques then?  Different
> SDL::Surface subclasses for double-buffered and single-buffered?
Good idea.

What do you think about a hash interface for event handling?

        newsub key, .Sub, _key_x
        app["SDLK_x"] = key

> -- c

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