
You'd do well to not remove the conclusion of my post when the conclusion
is that the I strongly support you. Otherwise, your reply, read out of
context, sounds like you're fending off an attacker ;)

People would do well to seperate the merits of the idea from the merits of the 
suggested implementation. I'd like to see people say "I like the idea but
the implementation isn't workable" or alternatively "The ` operator isn't
that important but I'm not sure the idea merits the change". I hate one
negitive with the other implied. 

If I understand correctly, Perl looks for either a term or operator
at any given moment. %hash and `rf -rm *` are both terms, hence

  %hash `rf -rm *`

makes no sense. Aside from playing hell with editors quoting, something
proposed to be solved by making the real grammar of Perl available in
a modular way for inclusion in editors, is there any reason that they
couldn't coexist? 

  %hash ~ `rf -rm *`

Failing that, back to whitespace dependencies?

  for keys %hash {


On  0, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Randal L. Schwartz skribis 2004-04-14 13:56 (-0700):
> > >>>>> "Juerd" == Juerd  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Juerd> readpipe/qx/`` isn't used much. In all my @INC, only a handful of uses
> > Juerd> can be found. Most are in Debian's modules.
> > That's because they aren't particularly interesting in modules, but
> > in 10 line scripts, they show up quite frequently.
> > This undermines the rest of your request.
> How unfortunate that you didn't notice that I made two separate
> requests, that both have to do with backticks.
> Request one: Remove `` and/or qx, because its interpolation is dangerous
> and solutions like it should be discouraged.
> Request two: Add %hash`key
> %hash`key can exist without `` gone. `` can be removed without ` meaning
> something else. It would, however, for understandability, be nicer if
> both requests were granted.
> Please, re-read my post and comment on the second request as
> insightfully as you did on the first.
> Juerd

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