On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 02:46:20AM -0700, Jeff Clites wrote:
> On Apr 17, 2004, at 1:47 PM, Nicholas Clark (via RT) wrote:
> ># New Ticket Created by  Nicholas Clark
> ># Please include the string:  [perl #28916]
> ># in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
> ># <URL: http://rt.perl.org:80/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=28916 >
> >
> >
> >    You must use /usr/bin/gmake to build ICU.
> >
> >(parrot build fails)
> >
> >gmake was never on our list of "minium platform requirements"
> >
> >What is our plan w.r.t to this. Currently parrot is broken on any Unix
> >machine that doesn't have gmake.
> That's actually not true. That message appears to be spurious. I  
> certainly don't have anything called "gmake" on my system (I don't even  
> know what it is), but ICU builds for me. See:
> http://oss.software.ibm.com/cvs/icu/~checkout~/icu/ 
> readme.html#HowToBuildSupported



Building International Components for Unicode on UNIX requires:

* A C++ compiler installed on the target machine (for example: gcc,
* CC, xlC_r, aCC, cxx, etc...).
* An ANSI C compiler installed on the target machine (for
 example: cc).
* A recent version of GNU make (3.77+).
* For a list of z/OS tools please view the z/OS build
* section of this document for further details.

One my local linux machine

migo:/home/psinnott# make -v
GNU Make 3.80

Freebsd provided there own version of make so on a freebsd machine
gnu make is installed as gmake

> AIX, FreeBSD, and Solaris are all listed as either "reference platform"  
> or "regularly tested". Though the versions you have may differ, I'd be  
> surprised if that's the problem. Perhaps you could supply some more  
> details as to how these builds are failing for you.
> JEff

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