--- Matthew Walton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't get the reasoning here. If Yada Yada Yada is to indicate 
> code that you haven't written yet, it should never fail at compile
> time unless it's impossible to compile the program without knowing
> what that code is, so
> my int $i = ...;

Right. This goes back to the notion that lowercase basic types (int,
str, bool) are "storage efficient" and therefore cannot contain values
outside the domain, like C<undef>.

I've argued in the past that it should be possible to put undef into
lctypes, to no avail. So, since no "special" values can go into
lctypes, I presume this applies to Yadda as well -- trying to stuff a
Yadda object into an lctype will result in a compile time (BEGIN time,
more probably) failure.


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