Aaron Sherman writes:
> The question I have is: how do classes control their conversion? In C++
> you can overload the casting operator for any time and/or define a
> constructor for the receiving type.
> I can imagine how you would define the constructor on the receiving type
> in Perl 6, but there's no "casting" syntax in Perl 6. Should we pretend
> there is for purposes of defining a conversion and allow:
>       class foo {
>               ...
>               sub prefix:IO::Socket(foo $f) returns(IO::Socket) {...}
>       }
> or did Larry mention a way to define a converter and I missed it?

Yep, that's what happened.  See Apocalypse 12 under "Overloading."

Specifically, it's defined by the operator coerce:as.  So:

    class Foo {...}
    multi sub *coerce:as (Foo $foo, ::Bar $class) {
        say "Converting to $class.name()"

    my Bar $bar = Foo.new;  # Converting to Bar

You can do it explicitly, too:

    my $bar = Foo.new as Bar;


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