>>Is it possible to have something along the lines of 
>>ME_{READ,WRITE,EXECUTE,DELETE,CD} to say if, as the user the program 
>>is running as, you can perform these actions?  That strikes me as 
>>rather useful.  (Alternately, could we have a field indicating if 
>>the current user is OWNER, GROUP, SYSTEM, or OTHER to this file? 
>>Gives you pretty much the same info.)
> Sure, that works, and I can see it being as useful as the other 
> permission testing stuff. (Which, arguably, is actually really really 
> useless, but that's a separate issue. We could, I suppose,

Well, not *completely* useless... things like -w have their uses in e.g.
- warning the user before trying an operation
- "ls -l" or any other textual representation of "rights"
- checking the filesystem "rights" against some description of how
  things should be
But for things like -r "file" && open(FH, "file") they are of rather
dubious value.

> unconditionally return 'true' for all of these...)

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