--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
>     I hate to do this, but I am currently suffering really quite
> badly from RSI and to ameliorate this I'm trying to cut down on the
> amount of mail I have to reply to. This means that unless your 
> message is something I really need to respond to, I probably won't 
> reply for the time being or will reply curtly. 

The difference?

Anyway, perhaps you could use this:

:-) :-) :-)

Games: Tongue-Controlled Gameboy Advance SP Launched 
Posted by simoniker on Wednesday May 19, @12:19PM
from the imaginative dept.
Hangin10 writes "Simmunity Corporation and newAbilities Systems Inc. is
going to introduce a specially modified tongue-controlled Gameboy
Advance SP for young people with quadriplegia. They say 'We retrofit
the Gameboy Advance SP with an internal PIC microcontroller to decode
the wireless tongue transmitter signals and activate the GBA buttons.
Games which do not require multiple simultaneous button presses can be
played. We also offer custom games and special programs for augmented

Feel better, Simon.


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