Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 10:06 AM -0700 6/16/04, Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:
>>Dan Sugalski wrote:
>>>Which reminds me--we need to have a syntax to distinguish between key types.
>>Perl already gives us two of the three:
>>     Px[Iy]
>>     Px{Sy}
>>For the third, I suggest we extend the analogy:
>>     Px<Pz>
> Except it breaks really really badly for multidimensional keys:
>     Px[S1:i;S2:s;P3:i]

  Except it does not:


  Of course, that is not good for the syntactically diabetic ... but
more readable to human eyes, IMO.  Compare:




  ... not that I think anything remotely human would actually write
something like that in real code ... nevermind ...

Boston's Irreversible Law of Clutter: 
     In any household, junk accumulates to fill the space available 
     for its storage. 

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