Has anyone built Parrot with VC7 (.NET 2003)?  How do I get around the MSDEV.exe (IDE) 
is now DEVENV.exe (IDE) with incompatible project files?

First off, why is the Win32 build of Parrot using .DSW/.DSP files?  Is this only 
because of the ICU distribution?  Would it be worthwhile to convert these .DSW/.DSP 
build files to makefiles?

I used to be able to build Parrot with VC7 almost everyday until the merger with the 
ICU code.  Now I never been able to build since ICU integration (even when I used a 
pre-built ICU - it fails in one of the language builds).

If this hasn't been done and it is deemed important to do, I would gladly take 
on/assist with this task.  I am, however, not experienced in Config.

Mark Solinski

"A fox knows many tricks, a hedgehog but one -- a good one."  -- Archilochus

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