"Solinski, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone built Parrot with VC7 (.NET 2003)?  How do I get around the
MSDEV.exe (IDE) is now DEVENV.exe (IDE) with incompatible project files?
The appropriate section of the Parrot makefile is generated in
config/gen/icu.pl.  You would need to change the executable name as you
stated above for starters.  I also believe that in the repository there is a
.sln file for VS.NET, so you'd need to point DEVENV.exe at this.

> First off, why is the Win32 build of Parrot using .DSW/.DSP files?  Is
this only because of the ICU distribution?  Would it be worthwhile to
convert these .DSW/.DSP build files to makefiles?
I tried to do it in a way that didn't mean modifying the vanilla ICU
distribution so as to make upgrades to ICU easier.  In reality, I remember
having to change the project files anyway because Parrot doesn't have some
of the ICU tools in the repository.  Converting them to makefiles that are
usable with both versions of Visual Studio, if possible, could well be the
right thing to do.

> I used to be able to build Parrot with VC7 almost everyday until the
merger with the ICU code.  Now I never been able to build since ICU
integration (even when I used a pre-built ICU - it fails in one of the
language builds).
Which language build?  I thought building languages/ was seperated out from
building parrot itself?

> If this hasn't been done and it is deemed important to do, I would gladly
take on/assist with this task.  I am, however, not experienced in Config.
Certainly getting Parrot building on VS.NET would be desirable.  :-)



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