Michele Dondi writes:
> On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Luke Palmer wrote:
> > > However I wonder if an implicit stack could be provided for return()s into 
> > > void context. It is well known that currently split() in void context has 
> [snip] 
> > To be honest, I have no idea what you're asking for.  Might you explain
> > in a little more detail?
> Well, something like a predefined (e.g.) @STACK variable such that 
> something along the lines of this can work in the obvious way:
>   1;
>   $_='foo bar baz';
>   split;
>   # @STACK now is (1, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz');
> I can imagine some uses for that...

Sick... and... wrong.  :-)

Not only would it mess with what things have to do in void context, it
would fudge up the garbage collector to no end.  You'd have objects
lying around in @STACK, where no sane programmer would ever use them,
and be wondering why their DESTROY hasn't been called yet.

To boot, I can't think of a way to implement that in currently-defined
Perl 6, which should scare you.

So, yeah, no, Perl 6 won't be doing that.

But if you don't mind being a little more explicit, this is nice and

    our @STACK;
    sub p ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) { push @STACK, @args }

    p 1;
    $_ = 'foo bar baz';
    p split;
    # @STACK is now (1, <<foo bar baz>>);


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