On Wed, 2004-06-30 at 18:41, Luke Palmer wrote:
> Larry didn't go for it.  Note, we already have an operator that puts its
> left side in void context and evaluates it before its right one: we call
> it C<;>.

But C<;> requires a surrounding do block, as you noted.  I'm
disappointed that Larry didn't go for it.  To my eyes, C<then> really
increases readability.

   pray_to $_ then sacrifice <$virgin> for @evil_gods

Ah, yes.  That's beautiful.


   do { pray_to $_; sacrifice <$virgin> } for @evil_gods;

Ouch.  That bounces and jangles as you try to read it.  There appears to
be some sort of deep separation between @evil_gods and sacrificial
$virgin.  C<do> appears to be the most important part of this statement,
when it is in fact the _least_ important.

    - Scott

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