On Jul-04, Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan wrote:
> I want to make sure I haven't misunderstood anything.  *What* purpose will
> my module that will be able to parse Perl 6 regexes into a tree be?  You
> must be aware that I have no power Damian does not possess, and I cannot
> translate *all* Perl 6 regexes to Perl 5 regexes.  All I can promise is a
> tree structure and limited (albeit correct) translation to Perl 5.

In general, it could perhaps be used as a piece of the implementation
of Perl6-style regexes for any Parrot-hosted language.

Personally, I could see using it with the current prototype perl6
compiler to take over the parsing whenever a regex is seen. The
resulting tree structure would then be translated into a
languages/regex-style tree, and from there converted into PIR
instructions. The translation step could perhaps be skipped if your
parser uses some extensible factory-like pattern so that I could
produce my preferred regex tree nodes directly -- or if I converted my
regex compiler to use your tree nodes as their native representation.

In order to get the parsing correct, however, I would need the ability
to call back into my native perl6 parser when you encounter perl6 code
during your parse -- and perhaps call you again within that code.

I don't know if this is in the scope of what you were planning for
your parser; now I'm wondering if you were intending to write
something akin to Perl6::Rules in that it translates Perl6 rules into
perl5-edible chunks, and all this business of reentrancy and external
parsing callouts is not at all what you're interested in dealing with.

If so, then I would still find a use for it in providing a better
Perl6-style regex parser for languages/regex. It would be used mostly
for testing, but eventually I hope to get around to plugging
languages/regex into Parrot as a directly-callable compiler. This has
the same reentrancy etc. issues for the host language, but then
they're that language's author's problem, not mine. :-)

I'll go download Regexp::Parser now, just so I'm not speculating quite
so much.

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