Simon Cozens skribis 2004-07-12 12:58 (+0100):
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juerd) writes:
> > Could methods like "[]" and "{}" *default* to "postcircumfix:"?
> A more interesting question is "does it mean anything for them *not* to be
> postcircumfix"?

Not as a method, I think.

> After all, the only other use would be "$foo.[]($bar, $baz)", which is
> practically identical.

Unless I am mistaken, $foo.[]($bar, $baz) is a syntax error and to call
interpunction-methods explicitly (verbosely), the full names need to be
used: $foo.postcircumfix:[]($bar), and all other methods need to have
^<letter>\w*$ names.

> Unless you want to make [$foo] the default, and I suspect that would
> be unwise.

Hm, circumfix operators as methods? Interesting idea, but what would
that do with [ $foo, $bar ], where $foo and $bar have a very different
circumfix:[] operator?


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