On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 10:23:18AM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
: Another alternative is "$( $file ).ext".  I'd tend to use that before
: "${file}.ext" these days.  Perhaps that's irrational--but it was hard
: to get the special-case "${name}" form to work right in the Perl 5
: lexer, and that bugs me.  If we're going to get rid of the autoquoting
: of $hash{shift}, we likely ought to undo the autoquoting of ${shift}
: as well, even if that gives heartburn to a certain number of shell
: programmers.

And if we do that, I guess that means that "$«file».ext" could
be made to work as a replacement, which seems conceptually clean if
you don't think about it too hard.


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