On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 05:02:48PM +0100, Jonathan Worthington wrote:
> > >    Are there plans in Perl 6 for string modifiers?
> > Not exactly.  But method calls can be interpolated into strings, so most
> > > As they are in bash eg.:
> > > ${var%glob_or_regexp}
> > > ${var%%glob_or_regexp}
> >
> >         my $newfile = "$str.subst(rx|\.\w+$|, '')\.bin";

   But what about the value of $str after interpolation?
In shall it stays it's original value! I would often need,
to use a little modified value of $str for a particular expression.
I like the way shell does it, to be able to write it such short,
without any other explicit variable.

        Best regards

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