I have a prototype Perl script that will determine the dependencies of a given CPAN distribution, and then check CPAN Testers for any failure reports of that distro or dependent distros for a given platform.

I would like to work with other people to turn this into something of use to
the community, at the very least a module but ideally something that could be
integrated with one of the CPAN-related web sites.  (I'm also starting
graduate school in the fall and looking for people to take this idea and run
with it, as I won't have as much time.)

For an example of what this does, if I ask it to search for dependencies for
the disto 'Pixie', it tells me the following:

  DBIx-AnyDBD-2.01: {}
  Data-UUID-0.11: {}
        Algorithm-Diff-1.15: {}
      Sub-Uplevel-0.09: {}
      Test-Tester-0.09: {}
    Test-Tester-0.09: {}

for Windows machines, it also tells me this:

Algorithm-Diff-1.15: []
  - action: FAIL
    distversion: DBIx-AnyDBD-2.01
    id: 79987
    platform: MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
    report_url: |-
    version: 2.01
  - action: FAIL
    distversion: Data-UUID-0.11
    id: 145033
    platform: MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
    report_url: |-
    version: 0.11
  - action: FAIL
    distversion: Data-UUID-0.11
    id: 146960
    platform: MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
    report_url: |-
    version: 0.11
Pixie-2.06: ~
Sub-Uplevel-0.09: []
  - action: FAIL
    distversion: Test-Class-0.03
    id: 144608
    platform: MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
    report_url: |-
    version: 0.03
Test-Differences-0.47: []
Test-Exception-0.15: []
Test-Tester-0.09: []
Text-Diff-0.35: []

In other words, there are no test reports for Windows users of Pixie, but that's likely because they can't get several distros that Pixie requires to work on Windows (Test-Class, DBIx-AnyDBD-2.01, and Data-UUID-0.11).

This information would be of use to various quality-assurance types, as well
as the module author.  It's probably of use to module users too.

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