On 20 July 2004 22:30 Robert Rothenberg wrote:

> I have a prototype Perl script that will determine the
> dependencies of a given
> CPAN distribution, and then check CPAN Testers for any
> failure reports of that
> distro or dependent distros for a given platform.

One thing to remember, is that some tests are also specific to a particular version of 
Perl. At the moment I am noticing that several modules that I am going through 
testing, you have already tested, and CPANPLUS thinks that's okay. However, you are 
testing using 5.8.4, I've got 5.6.1. The two can have entirely different results.

Acme, was going to look at this at some point when he had time, so that the versions 
were more visible on the report summary pages. But at the moment, it's not always 
guaranteed that the summary is right. There are some reports that we both have 
completed, and it highlights the differences. Email::Simple [1] is an example.

[1] http://testers.cpan.org/show/Email-Simple.html

> I would like to work with other people to turn this into
> something of use to the community

It is a good idea, but it might be better to look at patching CPAN::WWW::Testers [2], 
rather than creating an extra script/module.

[2] http://search.cpan.org/dist/CPAN-WWW-Testers/lib/CPAN/WWW/Testers.pm

> This information would be of use to various quality-assurance
> types, as well
> as the module author.  It's probably of use to module users too.

As a report maybe unavailable, due to the fact that no-one has got around to testing 
it, a simple search mechanism (platform/perl version) using your script could generate 
the current info from the testers.db file.

I like the idea, and with the CPANTS work that Thomas is doing this could be very nice.


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