On Sun, Jul 18, 2004 at 04:49:24PM +0200, James Mastros wrote:
> Change the procedure to require the bit after __DATA__ to match what 
> mysql gives you back?  This is actually better then what you do anyway, 
> as what mysql gives you is significantly more detailed.

We considered that, but, amongst other reasons, I'm not convinced enough
that MySQL can be relied on to return exactly the same string for every
server version of MySQL.

> Contrarywise, parse the SQL at the bottom of the file, treat it as a 
> bunch of assertations, and attempt to verify each of them using 
> non-modifying SQL and/or using DBI's standard introspection mechinsimis.

That sounds like *way* too much work!

> (Hint: One way to get a list of columns in a table is to select * limit 
> 1 from it, and inspect what you get back.)

Yeah, I know that, and use it in several places, but it doesn't really
give enough detail for what we're doing here.


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