At 12:24 PM +0200 7/24/04, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Below is the last summary of the attempt to implement enough of Python to run the Pie-thon benchmarks - within 5 weeks. Four and a half of seven programs are running.

Albeit this experiment did fail, it IMHO has brought Parrot a lot further. Valuable interals like integer->bigint promotion are vastly implemented.

We'll have to sort out, what we will keep in core and what should be moved into a Python or maybe a general HLL support library.

Yeah. I'm sketching out a post-mortem of the project (I've got some internet access -- I'm hiding in a Starbucks and escaping the 103F/40C heat and making use of the hotspot) as there were a number of issues that this project brought out that we need to deal with.

Despite the fact that we didn't make it, the project *was* worthwhile, and I want to get it finished. Having it working is useful for a number of reasons, and it'd be damned foolish to let all the work that's been done go to waste.

Leo did a *lot* of work on this, and deserves the credit for getting things to the state they're in. What I'd like to do now is clean up the source that's been committed so other folks can understand it, and we can work out how to do the final integration of the Python-specific code. If there are enough folks at OSCON to make this worthwhile we may grab a room and sketch things out, otherwise we'll hash things out on the list the next week or so.

--------------------------------------it's like this-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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