Stephane Peiry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 16, 2004 at 10:20:46AM +0200, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
>> "gtk-signal-connect" or "g-signal-connect"  isn't found here. I can't
>> check the symbols of the lib, this dam** OS has symbols stripped. The
>> other box has only gtk-1.2.

> actually it should run as well against gtk-1.2 if "g_signal_connect"
> is renamed "gtk_signal_connect".  Attached here are the files with
> that small change, but I've never been able to run any parrot code
> against gtk v1.2 as parrot dies complaining:

>   /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: gdk_root_window

Yep, I got that too.

> actually its simply dlopen dumping this.
> (btw there parrot displays a misleading ".. No such file or dir.."
> caused by the way loadlib lookups for the lib, note for a patch if
> I find a nice way to clean it :)

Thought about that. The problem is that "no such file..." could come out
in any language that happens to be defined in the current locale. We
should ignore all "no such file..." errors, because we are looking for
different names in different places. But, if it happens to be found,
like "", and there is a different error message, we should stop
right there and spit out this message. Maybe errno is set too. Dunno.

>> It returns a PerlUndef.
>     60 dlfunc P2, P1, "g_signal_connect", "lptpP"     - \
>       P2=NCI=PMC(0x8363fd0), P1=ParrotLibrary=PMC(0x8364108), ,
>     65 store_global "Gtk::g_signal_connec", P2        - , \
>        P2=PerlUndef=PMC(0x8363fb8 Num:0 Int:0)

The symbol "g_signal_connect" isn't found in that lib.


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