Stephane Peiry wrote:

[ segfaulting example ]
    g_signal_connect_object (G_OBJECT (button), "clicked",
                             G_CALLBACK (hello), NULL, 0);

Are you sure, that these two G_foo() aren't doing something with the function arguments?

I've beautified the example a bit, segfaults much nicer now ;)
Dunno, what's wrong.

# -- Gtk Button Example.

.sub _gtkcallback
  print "Hello\n"

.sub _main @MAIN
  .include "gtk.pasm"

  .local pmc window
  .local pmc button
  .local pmc callback
  .local pmc userdata

  .local NCI init 
  init = global "Gtk::gtk_init"

  # -- create the window
  .local NCI w_new
  w_new = global "Gtk::gtk_window_new"
  window = w_new(0)

  # -- create the button
  .local NCI b_new
  b_new = global "Gtk::gtk_button_new_with_label"
  button = b_new("Parrot")

  # -- install callback?
  .local pmc cb_sub
  cb_sub = global "_gtkcallback"
  userdata = new Integer
  userdata = 42

  callback = new_callback cb_sub, userdata, "vU"

  # -- function sig is "'lptpPi', then we have:
  #    P5 is the button
  #    P6 the callback
  #    P7 data we may to pass through.
  #    S5 "clicked"
  #    I5 is 0
  # -- Uncomment this section to actually install the callback
  # -- (this segfaulst on my system)
  .local NCI sig_conn
  sig_conn = global "Gtk::g_signal_connect_object"
  sig_conn(button, "clicked", callback, userdata, 0)

  # -- Set the container.
  .local NCI cont_add 
  cont_add = global "Gtk::gtk_container_add"
  cont_add(window, button)

  # -- show button
  .local NCI w_show
  w_show = global "Gtk::gtk_widget_show"

  # -- show window

  .local NCI g_main
  g_main = global "Gtk::gtk_main"


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