On 8/19/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Wall) wrote:

>It's hard to come up with an English word that means "next" in scalar
>context but "all" in list context.

I never know whether to name my arrays singular or plural, either. =)  
But couldn't there be Two Ways To Do It?  One "singular" name and one 
"plural" that do exactly the same thing -- use whichever one sounds 
better in any given context.

>So I lean toward punctuation, and since <> is historical, I like 
><$IN> and $IN.<> for that.  [...]  Arguably .keys, .values, .pairs, 
>and .kv should all autoiterate in scalar context, which should 
>replace .each entirely.  @array should respond to .pairs and .kv, 
>pretending the implicit array indexes are hash keys.

Which reminds me that an object can have multiple iterators, that do 
different things.  (Though there might always be a "default" iterator -- 
the one that "for" would use.)  So that's another reason not to mandate 
iterator names at all; <> could still be the socially conventional name 
for iterators (or maybe it would only be used by filehandles, depending 
on what else we might use <> for).

>It looks like most of the problem is that we're not consistent in 
>how to destructively read something in a context sensitive manner. 
>And I don't really like .read anyway. Without necessarily 
>deprecating .shift or .splice, how about a table that looks like 
>this: [.pull's and .value's]

I like the idea of being able to distinguish destructive from non-d. 
behaviour when I need to.  But a lot of the time I don't care -- I 
wouldn't want to have to specify whether I'm pulling or value-ing in 
every "for" loop.  So we'd still need something like <> (that presumably 
defaults to the least destructive iterator available).

                - David "does like 'pull' as a good generic name" Green

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