I like that arguments will be readonly by default. But when I look at my
current code, I see that I would be typing " is rw" quite a lot, which in
my opinion is too long for a thing that occurs very often.

Every such situation in my code is a foreach loop. A thing that in Perl
6 will mostly be used with the pointy sub declaration syntax.

If I'm not mistaken, <-> is still available. It communicates
"bidirectional" and that is more or less the same as read/write access.

I'm proposing

    for zip(@foos, @bars, @xyzzies) <-> $foo, $bar, $xyzzy { ... }
    for %quux.kv <-> $key, $value { ... }

to mean

    for zip(@foos, @bars, @xyzzies) -> $foo is rw, $bar is rw, $xyzzy is rw { ... }
    for %quux.kv -> $key is rw, $value is rw { ... }

Comments, anyone?


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