Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 11:58 AM +0200 8/31/04, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

>>First: we don't have any rotate vtables or opcodes. Shall these be
>>considered as a TODO?

> Yes. It's been floating around but never did get formally added.

Ok. Takers wanted.

>>   rotl Pdest, n, 32        # rotate left in place by n 32-bitwise

> These have merit. The only question then is what happens with the
> rest of the bits. (If one rotates a 64 bit quantity with a 32-bit
> rotate)

First, we should probably ask HLL designers. I can imagine two options:
1) rotate whatever is there - don't care about higher bits
2) if higher bits are non-zero, throw an exception

context->errors can hold a bit to turn on/off 2)


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