On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 05:45:12PM -0600, John Williams wrote:
: On Thu, 2 Sep 2004, Larry Wall wrote:
: > The argument to a shape specification is a semicolon list, just like
: > the inside of a multidimensional subscript.  Ranges are also allowed,
: > so you can pretend you're programming in Fortran, or awk:
: >
: >     my int @ints is shape(1..4;1..2); # two dimensions, @ints[1..4; 1..2]
: What happens when the Pascal programmer declares
:     my int @ints is shape(-10..10);
: Does it blow up?


: If not, does  @ints[-1]  mean the element with index -1 or the last element?

The element with index -1.  Arrays with explicit ranges don't use the
minus notation to count from the end.  We probably need to come up
with some other notation for the beginning and end indexes.  But it'd
be nice if that were a little shorter than:


Suggestions?  Maybe we just need integers with "whence" properties... :-)


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